Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Great Star of Africa pictures
The Great Star of Africa pictures The Great Star of Africa pictures The Great Star of Africa pictures The Great Star of Africa pi...
Kohinoor Diamond Pictures
Kohinoor Diamond Pictures Kohinoor Diamond Pictures Kohinoor Diamond Pictures Kohinoor Diamond Pictures Kohinoor Diamond Pictu...
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Agra Diamond - Famous Diamond
The city of Agra was founded by the Mogul Emperors who made it their capitol for more than a hundred years in the 1500's and 1600's ...
The Allnatt Diamond - Famous Diamond
When Porter Rhodes traveled to the Isle of Wight in 1881 to show to his fine white diamond crystal to Queen Victoria and Empress Eugenie of...
The Amsterdam Diamond - Famous Diamond
This rare black diamond of African origin is reported to be completely black. It weighs 33.74 carats, has 145 facets and was cut from a 55.8...
The Archduke Joseph - Famous Diamond
This 76.45-carat diamond gets its name from from Archduke Joseph August (1872-1962), a previous owner of the gem and a prince of the Hungari...
The Arcots - Famous Diamond
The Hanoverian rulers of Great Britain amassed a large collection of personal jewelry and Queen Charlotte, the consort of King George III, w...
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